Our Impact


The advocacy work of COF begins by raising awareness through seminars and fundraisers of the at-risk children in the surrounding five-county area. In the year 2017, COF promoted two seminars which hosted over 450 individuals, 6 at-risk children were adopted, 8 individuals became COF volunteers or mentors, and 9 individuals made the decision to become licensed foster care parents through the advocacy work of COF.


Each individual served through COF is offered a supportive community.  Each family unit is unique. Therefore, the tools and resources they need may vary greatly. A large portion of our "care work" involves respite care. Respite care is available for families in crisis who need time to get back on their feet. Parents use this time to seek employment, secure safe housing, and so forth while a temporary, safe, and loving home is provided for their children. In the year 2017, 23,300 hours of respite care hours were provided to the families served by COF. 


One of the most successful tools used by COF to lower risk factors for children is training. Our trainings are faith focused, trauma informed, and relationship based. Over 81 individuals were impacted through these trainings in the year 2017. 

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